A powerful documentary about teen and young adult depression and suicide – personal stories of despair and hope told by young people of different ages, ethnicities and sexual orientation – and their families. The honesty and openness of these individuals bring us face to face with a mental illness that can result in the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds. A 2-DVD set includes classroom and adult versions of the film, with additional special features.

A Reason To Live


This film is intended to help eliminate the stigma and shame associated with depression and suicide. It clarifies warning signs that friends, parents, teachers and others need to identify about depression in young people ages 15-24. This film explores psychological, cultural, biological and social factors that contribute to depression and suicide so that the viewer can more clearly understand the thoughts and feelings of people who are depressed and suicidal.  With this understanding, people can more effectively recognize the danger signs, get help, and save lives. Finally, the film presents realistic and effective steps to treat depression and to prevent suicide. 2-DVD set includes classroom and adult versions of the film, with additional special features.

Recent Screenings and Awards

• LONE STAR EMMY for best documentary
*KMBH- TV in the Rio Grande Valley
*KERA- TV in North Texas
•Texas Counseling Association screened A Reason to Liv
•TCA State Convention – Dallas, Texas

•Dallas Video Festival at the Angelika Theater, Dallas, Texas

Did You Realize . . .

  • Each year in the U.S., approximately two million adolescents attempt suicide.
  • Every year, more than 4000 young people, ages 15-24, take their own lives.The rate of suicide among this age group has almost tripled in the last 15  years.
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death in adolescents and the second leading cause of death among college-age young people.
  • 1 out of 3 adolescents who self-identify as GLBT will attempt suicide.
  • They are 3-4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.
  • More than 300 million young people are at risk for suicide, yet only 36% receive treatment.
  • Nearly 50% of 26,000 college students surveyed at the University of Texas at Austin said they had seriously considered suicide but NEVER told ANYONE and NEVER sought HELP.

Target Audiences

  • Young Adults 15-24 & their Families
  • Youth Agencies
  • Public & Private Schools
  • Community Colleges & Universities
  • Coaches & Mentors
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • GLBT Organizations
  • Social Workers
  • Foster Care Professionals
  • Rehabilitation Professionals & Caregivers
  • Medical Care Professionals
  • Hospitals & Medical Offices
  • Law Enforcement & Correctional Facilities
  • Civic Organizations
  • Spiritual & Religious Groups
  • Elected Officials & Government Agencie

Film Prices

To purchase a film or schedule a screening, please contact us at mail@mediaprojects.org


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